About Us

– Since 2001 –

Encourage One Another Build Hope
No One Is Left Behind

Who we are

The Edge Project was set up in 1996 and became a registered charity in February 2001. The vision for the Edge is to help young people understand that they are valued members of community and help provide the necessary support to help them find their place and purpose. We encourage young people to lead a more positive and healthier lifestyle focusing on self-worth, value and supporting each other. 

Why we are

Our staff, trustees and volunteers are all dedicated to proving the best for the young people and children on the estate so that they can have hope for a brighter future by building each other up and releasing them into the community to give back and become the confident, empowered future generation we know they can be

What we do for you

The centre provides a safe space to learn, have fun and most importantly be yourself. We offer music equipment, gym equipment, free youth café and much more to create an environment that is specifically for you. Our staff are on call to help you with whatever you need, anything we can do to help we put our effort into trying to get you where you need to be. 

How it starts

It all starts with you. Come along to our centre, try it out for a session and if you like it come again! We provide registration forms for every young person that attends for parents to sign just so they know you are safe. Come meet our staff and have a laugh. You can see our staff at the bottom of this page.


Hannah Procter

Hannah is the manager of the Edge, she has level 6 training in youth work and is passionate to see all young people reach their full potential.

Caleb Manders

Caleb is the Edge’s sessional youth worker, he has level 3 youth worker training and is passionate about seeing young people live healthier lifestyles.

Aimée Clark

Aimée is the performing arts worker. She h as A levels in creative subjects. She is passionate about seeing the creativity of young people unleashed.

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